
The past few years have been full of odd seasons. It all started with a mass exodus of friends from Colorado, coinciding with the disintegration of the young adult group at my old old church. This lead to a wandering in the desert, a desperation for community at my old church, and finally seemed to […]

On Keeping and Getting Rid of Things

About five or six years ago, I gave up almost all of my video games. I said goodbye to my PS2 and all the games I played in middle school and high school. I gave up my Game Boy Color. I even gave up the Game Cube I scored from a garage sale for $10. […]

Dream: The Rectangle House

For the past several months, I’ve wanted to write several blog posts, but I haven’t felt right about them. I just can’t quite bring myself to do it. However, I do want to post more of my dreams, which does feels right, oddly enough. The Rectangle House dream happened in December of 2017. The characters […]