Dream: The Rectangle House

For the past several months, I’ve wanted to write several blog posts, but I haven’t felt right about them. I just can’t quite bring myself to do it. However, I do want to post more of my dreams, which does feels right, oddly enough.

The Rectangle House dream happened in December of 2017. The characters include myself, Friend #1 (F1)(male), Friend #2 (F2)(female), Friend #3 (F3)(female), all of who were/are involved in missionary activity. Normally, the names of the people involved can be symbolic, but as these are actual friends of mine, I’ve decided to leave the names anonymous.

The Dream (all one scene)

On a bright day, there is a rectangular house largely isolated from other houses. It is almost entirely a kitchen inside, with a counter island in the middle, going from the middle to the right section of the house, and maybe a table and chairs along the left side of the house. There is a door at the front, a door out the back left side (possibly overhead), and a door out the right side. F2 is throwing a party, and F1, F2, and F3 are all present, as well as many other anonymous individuals.

F1 leaves out the back door. F2 and F3 start whispering in the kitchen about how a country is confiscating things and that F3 needs to go into that country via a different country in order to avoid inspections. I have a vision of an [historically] evil world leader and soldiers.

There are two or three pitchers of water in the fridge, but they have these odd things inside. One has what look like chia seeds in it, and another may have some sort of fruit like lemon peels in it. I’m thirsty, but I don’t want to drink from those pitchers because they look weird.

Suddenly, everyone is gone, and I’m distressed. I go outside, through the side door, searching frantically, and when I move clockwise around the house, toward the front, I see that F2 had constructed a barrier that has her story written on it, telling people to come inside if they want the peace that she has found.

I go inside through the front, which has elongated into a sort of living room. There is a small two-tier bookshelf along the right side of the wall, and it may have military strategy or history books on it. I believe I hear voices in the kitchen, and feel that there may be a way to ‘warp’ to wherever people went, but I am unable to figure out what happened. All three doors are open. I consider texting F2 with my cell phone, and then I wake up.


This was an interesting dream. I cried over this one after I woke up. It was heavy with a sense of importance.

2017 was, as many friends know, the ‘year of the desert’ for me, so it’s especially important that water was in the refrigerator. It was present and cool, but for whatever reason I was kind of grossed out by it, even though chia seeds and lemon should be perfectly healthy. It wasn’t logical at all, but it almost seemed to be saying that I have (or had?) some provision in my life which I am not choosing to accept because it doesn’t look the way I expect it to.

Also, the provision was in the kitchen, a place of preparation. Everyone else leaves the house, but I’m left behind. This would directly relate to my feeling of missing out on “going out into the world”. I’ve wanted to go for a long time now, but it just hasn’t been the time for that. The doors are all open, this could even be God saying that I have options, but the peace is inside right now, the provision is inside, even the strategy is inside. Only, it feels lonely and like I’m being left behind. There may even be a hint that the territory I am going into must be accessed through a route not commonly followed, though this is unclear as there was no indication I would be following F3 into that country.

Dream nuggets for the blog. Dreams are important! I’ve shared this one a few times, but I plan to record more in here.