Strategy vs Tactics: Saving Money While Still Enjoying Your Life

I have at times been a junkie for blogs on Financial Independence. But I often grow bored with them, and the people on one particular forum that I enjoy visiting frequently annoy me because so many of them are wholly dedicated to not spending any money. What, is spending money wrong? So you have these […]

Reflections on Life and Career

I recently had a good talk with a close friend. As is often the case when catching up, part of our conversation involved relaying how our jobs were going, understanding, of course, that these are the lame but also important things that happen in life, and we wanted to cover our bases. His job has […]

Thoughts on History

The difficulty with reconstructing history is man-hours. For example, let’s consider the world right now. The interwebz tells me that there are about 7.7 billion people in the world, and 1.3 billion work full-time jobs. Even forgetting that there are competing definitions of full-time work, and not all work can be accounted for, this means […]