Letting Other People Benefit

This is a short post but one I’ve wanted to write for awhile. I’ve noticed that there is a very strong desire in most people to not be taken advantage of, and while this can be a good thing, it tends to spill over into not wanting others to benefit from one’s actions at all. […]

The Tyranny of Scheduling

I hate scheduling. I don’t wish to be overly negative about this, but it’s one of the most psychologically draining activities for me. With friends it can be difficult and involves much texting back and forth, and with businesses and organizations, it can just be terribly annoying and inconvenient. I prefer to structure my life […]

Steering Intermediate Shaft: Adventures in Laziness

When I first bought my current car many years ago, it proved to be much more reliable than my first car. I felt comfortable driving it a whole state away. Oh yeah, moving up in the world. But it had one key flaw: the steering was always making this annoying thumping sound, especially at low […]

Save Money on an Unhealthy Lifestyle!

I am something of a regular at a nearby convenience store. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but it is what it is. Part of what makes me a regular is the fun of taking a long walk over there in the morning and acquiring some sugary coffee-nated beverage of the canned variety […]

Spending Money on Hobbies

Most of us find new things to be interested in over time; very rarely do people pick one hobby and stick to it exclusively for life. But every new interest often requires a certain amount of upfront mental or financial cost, whether we are learning about our new domain or buying the gear we need […]