Passion! Success! Productivity!

Every now and then I come a cross some programmer’s personal blog in which they describe themselves with outrageous language. Without giving it away, I just came across one that says, under their little picture, “Passionate about Python and Javascript”. Bonus points if they throw in something about loving dogs, or cheesecake. JKLOLZ OMG!

Passion! Programming love! I’m a solutions producer! Ugh, it makes me sick. People only say these things when they’re kissing ass. They are either in unhealthy relationships with their careers or they are really, really, really convinced that being a sellout will land them a job at a company that doesn’t completely suck.

Not passion about great products. Not passion about great code. Passion about…a language. A programming language. Did you know…that what you do with Python, you can also do with other languages? Oh, but that wouldn’t feed into their online presence. Their personal brand. And I can’t imagine being passionate about Javascript, one of the shittiest but unfortunately most widespread languages in existence. Still can’t believe somebody thought it would be a good idea to use Javascript as a language on the server. Node is a disaster, an absolute puke fest of convoluted code. Why, nay, how, could you ever be passionate about that?

But I shouldn’t expect any better. This is the world we live in. We live in a world in which people take their careers on as their identity. So you take a tree in the woods that didn’t do anything to hurt you, you carve it up into little figurines that nobody buys, and this “work” is seen as virtue by a majority of brainwashed Americans. “My god, he carved up that whole tree. Such labor! Such skill! Such glory of production!” Except now there’s one less tree in the world and a whole lot of figurines nobody wants. Such waste!

But I guess that guy can go on his LinkedIn profile and talk about how productive he is so he can beg a paycheck from the next soulless corporation. “I’m a passionate manufacturer of wood solutions!” “I like this guy! He’s not like those lazy good-for-nothings who don’t cut down trees they don’t need to not make figurines nobody wants! This guy must really understand hard work!”

Passionate about Python? Fuck me.

This is the world we live in.